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Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Under £10

Published date: 17/12/2021 16:28

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How to find the Perfect Secret Santa Gift on a Budget!

It’s that time of year when your office is pulling out the hat/empty Pringles tube/giant Sports Direct mug ready for the annual Secret Santa draw! Love it or loathe it, even you Scrooges must understand it’s a time for giving, and any excuse for fun festivities and the receiving of gifts is a cause for celebration in our book.

Selecting and buying the right gift can either be really easy, or an absolute nightmare. We ALL want to conveniently pick one of our mate’s names out, and we’ve probably already got a good few ideas for them already.

Some of us are lucky enough to work in a smaller, close-knit team, where everyone would be comfortable buying for anyone, but the difficulties begin if you perhaps work in a huge office or have a vast number of colleagues. You know the scenario: you apprehensively reach into the hat and pick out a folded piece of paper. You unfold it to reveal the name ‘Debbie’ scrawled inside… And your first rection is ‘Who the f*ck is Debbie?!’ If this happens, it’s time to put on your detective hat, and find out a little bit about the illusive Debbie. ‘Cos please, whatever you do, do not be the cop-out who buys a selection box. NO ONE deserves a sh*tty selection box. Enough said.

Now, we’re not suggesting going to B&Q, buying a balaclava and following her home one evening (a British Joe Goldberg, if you will) – rather simple acts of investigation: have a look on her desk – does she have any photos? Trinkets? Books? You can ask some of your colleagues if they know anything about her – although an excessive amount of enquiry may start the office rumour mill and by the end of the day, ‘Omg have you heard, apparently they want to sh*g Debbie!’ whispers will be circling the workspace.

Maybe even approach her whilst she’s making a coffee and engage in a little small talk. Who knows, by the end of this you might end up actually WANTING to sh*g Debs! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves with an imaginary office romance. Let’s focus on getting her a gift that doesn’t look like you’ve just pulled over at a Tesco petrol station on the way home.

If all your investigations fails, and you still don’t know Debbie from Tom, Dick or Debbie Harry, then the generic gift-route it is. But generic doesn’t have to be boring! We’ve put together a handy list of our top Secret Santa gift suggestions – and what’s more…EVERY gift in this list is under a tenner - get in! 


EVERYONE drinks, right? And you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who does like a good few cups of tea or coffee to sustain them/keep them sane throughout their working day. Now on paper, a mug doesn’t sound like the most exciting gift – but that’s because you haven’t seen these ones!

So whether you want to be cute, send positive vibes, be a bit cheeky, or just be downright smutty, we have the perfect drink receptacle for everyone with our range of one of a kind Mugs.


What about another typical, generic gift, done differently by Scribbler? How about socks?

Now we’re not talking your run-of-the-mill dad socks, oh no! Feast your eyes upon these great quality, colourful, eye-catching foot warmers!


Drag Race fan? Check. Netflix lover? Perfect. Likes a bit of the old peen? Sorted. 
Whatever their preferences, hobbies or tastes, browse our extensive selection of Socks to find the perfect pair for them!


Now remember when we said no selection boxes? Well what if your gift receiver really likes chocolate? Well don’t you worry, as we have the chocolate that is taking the UK by storm – Tony’s Chocolonely!

Fair trade and slave-free, organic, and absolutely INSANELY delicious, these chocolate bars will delight anyone with a sweet tooth. Good luck choosing just one flavour! If that doesn't tickle your taste buds, we have LOADS more Food & Drink Gifts.

Hand Sanitizers

It’s probably time we discuss the elephant in the room – the ‘C’ word. No, not THAT ‘C’ word, we mean Covid. We’ve all had to deal with its f*ckery for far too long, and unfortunately, we’re still not out of the woods. With that in mind, why not consider a bottle of our brilliant, novelty Hand Sanitizers? Not only are they 62% alcohol to keep you safe, but they come in 3 brilliant festive designs!


We WISH we had time to settle down and lose ourselves in a good book. But gone are the days where we manage to find the time to just sit and relax into 200-odd pages. We don’t think we’re alone here, so this year we’ve built up a huge range of smaller, pocket-sized reads!

From inspirational quotes, cocktail recipes, jokes, bizarre facts, gardening tips, or everything you need to know about the vagina, we have EVERYTHING covered with our wide range of brilliant Books.

Something More Out of the Box...

If you’re brave enough to get a bit more cheeky with your purchase (and aren’t afraid of your HR department) then let’s pull back the proverbial red curtain and take a look at some of our ehmm more risque ranges such as Rude Gifts. Remember, no one ever needs to know it was you who bought it! Ah the joys of anonymity!

If you still haven’t seen the right gift, then fear not – we have HUNDREDS more, so have a browse of our full Christmas Gift range here.

Thanks again go to Ben from our Manchester store for this hysterical and hugely helpful gift guide - we hope you've been suitably inspired!


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